Hi all,
Once I told myself to stop writing about coronavirus (or at least, stop sharing what I wrote about coronavirus), I noticed two things. The amount I wrote decreased drastically, and the quality of what I wrote increased substantially.
The coronavirus pandemic is very loud, very apparent, and very prevalent, which gives it the appearance of being very important, which it is. It might even be the most important thing at specific times and in specific places, but it isn’t always, isn’t everywhere, and won’t be forever.
Anyway, I don’t want to spend this email talking about the difference between loud noises and clear signals, because I could do that for hours and it’s an idea that really needs editing down. No, I just wanted to touch base to remind you that I exist, and let you know where I’m up to with the projects that not writing about coronavirus has given me time to work on again.

I’m most of the way through the second edit of 500ish Days in The Quiet Room. This pass is for straightening out any gibberish, strengthening the quality of the footnotes and asides, and getting rid of anything that’s a bit too Walter Mitty, anything that feels a bit too much like a kid showing their Yu-Gi-Oh cards to a disinterested parent.
The next edit will be focused more on structure, deciding exactly how the asides are going to be presented, and what numerical data like dates and times I’m planning on keeping in. After that the cover art, blurbs and physical specs still need pulling together, but I feel like I’m on track for an autumn/fall release this year.
Oh, and you’re still getting it for a ridiculously low price. Like the lowest I can price it without paying you to take copies off my hands.
I’ve also started to turn my focus back to the essay and non-fiction collection All Better Now, which in practice means revisiting chapter titles with several manic typing sessions to see where I can push the ideas to make them something a little more unique and usable. Ideas like good mental health is like owning a dishwasher, a missive which I hope piqued your interest nicely at the start of this email.
I’m either releasing it in tandem with 500ish Days In The Quiet Room, or a week or two in advance. Oh, and you’re still getting the digital copy absolutely free.
So… why is good mental health like owning a dishwasher? Here’s a little concept preview of what’s going to be a much more filled-out essay…

Everyone has dishes to clean. Some people have more dishes or dirtier dishes than others, but everyone gets their dishes done. Those with dishwashers find it easier. They don’t enjoy it – no-one enjoys the dishes – and it’s still something they’d rather not do, but they have the tools to help them get the dishes done quickly. When those without a dishwasher are too tired to wash any more dishes, they have to stop. The dishes start to pile up. When those who own a dishwasher are too tired, the dishwasher is still there for them. If the dishwasher breaks, they can do the dishes themselves for a time while the dishwasher is repaired. If you’ve never had a dishwasher, it’s something you need to work to bring into your life, invest in, find a place for, and often have someone help you install.
Yeah so there it is… a rough and ready concept pitch. I think I need to hang a hat on some of the symbolism, pick a focus between “you” and “people” and either reduce or increase the repetition. A preview is a preview for a reason, of course.
I hope you are well and your dishes are clean,
P.S I don’t own a dishwasher.
P.P.S. Remember that as a member of this community, only you will get the opportunity to pick up 500ish Days In The Quiet Room at a scarily low introductory price, and after launch only you will get a digital copy of the companion collection All Better Now for absolutely free!