Originally sent 3rd January 2022
New Year, new me. Well, not exactly – but a new e-mail provider for this Member’s Community. I’m still dotting the teas and crossing my eyes, but 2022 is the year that we make the long overdue move from Mailchimp to Mailerlite.
What does that mean for me? An inflated sense that I’m moving in the right direction and making the right choices. What does it mean for you? …a slightly different logo at the bottom of these e-mails.
Let me be the (first? seventh? thirtieth?) to wish you a Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed however you chose to celebrate the festivities in these strange times.
We spent the evening quietly watching television, then on the stroke of midnight I opened up a rather hefty bottle of Pilsner and we turned out the lights and held the cats up to the windows so they could watch the nearby fireworks. You’d expect them to be scared, but no- they’re odd beasts that find bright lights and explosions enthralling. One recently tried to scratch open the TV in order to get at the reflection of our Christmas tree.

So! What’s the plan for 2022?
I find it helpful to set broad themes for a new season, rather than tackle specific measurable goals that are easier to fail at. The concept isn’t my idea, and here’s a video by YouTube educator CGP Grey that explains it much better than I ever could, which I recommend to absolutely everyone.
I’ve still got some fixed goals for 2022, and they’re quite familiar:
- Finish writing, editing and polishing I Thought You Were All Better Now? and send you your free digital copy.
- Find myself on stage, in front of an audience, doing something more enriching than karaoke.
- Stop buying new materials for art projects and builds until at least half of the unfinished projects stacked around me have been given at least a fighting chance at completion.
- Worry less about whether my writing is enduring and relevant, and focus more on where it is resonant, useful – and fun!
- Let myself be loved. That one’s always been a work in progress.
I look forward to the ideas and progress we can share together in 2022.
As always, I hope you are well.